Problema cu chatbox personalizat
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Problema cu chatbox personalizat
Buna ziua,
am o problema cu un cod pentru chatbox personalizat, mai vechi. L-am adaugat insa am un bug, nu apare bara unde scriu si butoanele.
Am observat ca este de la un cod Javascript, nu imi dau seama ce este in neregula cu urmatorul cod:
am o problema cu un cod pentru chatbox personalizat, mai vechi. L-am adaugat insa am un bug, nu apare bara unde scriu si butoanele.
Am observat ca este de la un cod Javascript, nu imi dau seama ce este in neregula cu urmatorul cod:
- Cod:
* Module: AVATARChat + JS_EditMsgChat
* Description: Need?!
* Author: Made and Optimizations by JScript - 2014/11/23
* Version: RC2 (Release candidate 2!)
function insertChatBox(chatbox_id, chatbox_url) {
return insertChatBoxNew(chatbox_id, chatbox_url);
// Redefine function in frm_lang_xx.js, by JScript Brasil at live dot com!
function insertChatBoxNew(chatbox_id, chatbox_url) {
document.getElementById(chatbox_id).innerHTML = '<iframe src="/chatbox/" id="frame_chatbox" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="100%" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>';
frames["frame_chatbox"].onload = function() {
// Redefine function in chatbox7.js, by JScript Brasil at live dot com!
var JS_search = {
//inVar: /">\[(?:(?:2[0-3]|[0-1][0-9]|[0-9]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9])\]<\/span> <span class="user-msg">(.+)Ιid=(.*?)Α<(.*?)>Ε<img (.*?)Χ<img (.*?)>Τ(.+)Μ(.*?)<\/span>/g,
//inHtml: /">\[(?:(?:2[0-3]|[0-1][0-9]|[0-9]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9])\]<\/span> <span class="user-msg">(.+)[\u0399]id=(.*?)[\u0391]<(.*?)>[\u0395]<img (.*?)[\u03a7]<img (.*?)>[\u039c](.*?)<\/span>/g
inVar: /Ιid=(.*?)Α<(.*?)>Ε<img (.*?)Χ<img (.*?)>Μ(.*?)<\/span>/g,
inHtml: /[\u0399]id=(.*?)[\u0391]<(.*?)>[\u0395]<img (.*?)[\u03a7]<img (.*?)>[\u039c](.*?)<\/span>/g
// JS_replace = '">[$6]$1<span class="id" id=$2><span class="js-avatar"><$3></span><span class="editor"><img onclick="editor(this, 1)" $4<img onclick="editor(this, 2)" $5></span><span class="text">$7</span>',
JS_replace = '<span class="id" id=$1><span class="js-avatar"><$2></span><span class="editor"><img onclick="editor(this, 1)" $3<img onclick="editor(this, 2)" $4></span><span class="text">$5</span>',
oIframe = (document.getElementById("frame_chatbox").contentWindow || document.getElementById("frame_chatbox").contentDocument),
script = oIframe.document.createElement("script"),
memDiv = oIframe.document.createElement('div');
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.innerHTML =
'USERNAME = parent._userdata.username;' +
'SUPERMOD = parent._userdata.user_level;' +
'AVATAR = parent._userdata.avatar.replace(\'<img src="\', "[img]").replace(\'" alt="" />\', "[/img]");' +
'JS_search = ' + JS_search.inVar + ';' +
'JS_replace = \'' + JS_replace + '\';' +
'function submitmsg(params) {' +
' if ( < 4 && SUPERMOD !== 1) return false;' +
' if ("/") !== 0) {' +
' var date = new Date();' +
' var UID = Math.ceil(date.getDate() + date.getHours() + Math.random() * Math.pow(10, 10) + date.getMinutes() + date.getSeconds() + date.getMilliseconds());' +
' if (UID.length < 10) {' +
' UID + "" + (10 - UID.length);' +
' }' +
//' var time = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();' +
//' = \'Ιid="\' + UID + \'"Α\' + AVATAR + "Ε[img][/img]Χ[img][/img]Τ" + time + "Μ" +;' +
' = \'Ιid="\' + UID + \'"Α\' + AVATAR + "Ε[img][/img]Χ[img][/img]Μ" +;' +
' }' +
' =;' +
' = "";' +
';' +
' ajax_submit_chatbox(params);' +
' return false' +
'}' +
'function copy_user_name(user_name) {' +
' if ( {' +
';' +
' += ((user_name.indexOf("@") == 0) ? "" : "@") + user_name + " -> ";' +
' }' +
' return false' +
'}' +
'function ajax_submit_chatbox(params, editor) {' +
' number_of_refresh = 0;' +
' if (params == "" || params == undefined) {' +
' params = "?achives=0"' +
' }' +
' if (editor == "" || editor == undefined) {' +
' var msg_sent =;' +
' } else {' +
' var msg_sent = editor;' +
' }' +
' var data = "&mode=send";' +
' data += "&sent=" + encodeURIComponent(msg_sent);' +
' data += "&sbold=" +;' +
' data += "&sitalic=" +;' +
' data += "&sunderline=" +;' +
' data += "&sstrike=" +;' +
' data += "&scolor=" +;' +
' if ((msg_sent.indexOf("/away") == 0) || (msg_sent.indexOf("/abs") == 0)) {' +
' document.getElementById("refresh_auto").checked = false' +
' }' +
' if ( == "/banlist") {' +
'"/chatbox/" + params, "banlist", "toolbar=no,menubar=no,personalbar=no,width=450,height=300,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");' +
' return false' +
' }' +
' $.ajax({' +
' url: "/chatbox/" + params,' +
' type: "post",' +
' data: data,' +
' dataType: "script",' +
' success: function(response, status, xhr) {' +
' if (xhr.status == 200) {' +
//' if (typeof (chatbox_messages) !== "undefined") {' +
' chatbox_messages = chatbox_messages.replace(JS_search, JS_replace);' +
' document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML = chatbox_messages;' +
' hackMsg();' +
' document.getElementById("chatbox").innerHTML = document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML;' +
' /*$("#chatbox").html(chatbox_messages) [0].scrollTop = $("#chatbox").prop("scrollHeight");*/' +
' document.getElementById("chatbox").scrollTop = 999999;' +
//' }' +
' if (typeof (chatbox_memberlist) !== "undefined") {' +
' document.getElementById("chatbox_members").innerHTML = chatbox_memberlist;' +
' /*$("#chatbox_members").html(chatbox_memberlist);*/' +
' }' +
' }' +
' },' +
' })' +
'}' +
'function ajax_refresh_chatbox(params, force) {' +
' if (params == "" || params == undefined) {' +
' params = "?achives=0"' +
' }' +
' $.ajax({' +
' url: "/chatbox/" + params + "&mode=refresh",' +
' type: "get",' +
' dataType: "script",' +
' success: function(response, status, xhr) {' +
' if (xhr.status == 200) {' + // || force) {' + <- Fail!
//' if ($("#chatbox").length) {' +
' if (typeof (chatbox_messages) !== "undefined") {' +
' chatbox_messages = chatbox_messages.replace(JS_search, JS_replace);' +
' document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML = chatbox_messages;' +
' hackMsg();' +
' document.getElementById("chatbox").innerHTML = document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML;' +
' document.getElementById("chatbox").scrollTop = document.getElementById("chatbox").scrollHeight + document.getElementById("chatbox").offsetHeight;' +
' document.getElementById("chatbox").scrollTop = 999999;' +
' }' +
//' if (document.getElementById("chatbox_members").innerHTML != null) document.getElementById("chatbox_members").innerHTML = chatbox_memberlist;' +
' if (typeof (chatbox_memberlist) !== "undefined") {' +
' document.getElementById("chatbox_members").innerHTML = chatbox_memberlist;' +
' /*$("#chatbox_members").html(chatbox_memberlist);*/' +
' }' +
' }' +
' },' +
' })' +
'}' +
'function hackMsg() {' +
' var oTarget = jQuery("#memdiv > p"),' +
' iLen = oTarget.length,' +
' index = 0;' +
' for (; index < iLen; index++) {' +
' var oThis = jQuery(oTarget[index]),' +
' sUserName = oThis.find(".user > a").text(),' +
' ID = oThis.find("");' +
' if (ID.length == 0) {' +
' ID = oThis.find(".msg:last").text();' +
// XORcipher -> ' ID = XORcipher(oThis.find(".msg").text());' +
' var del = ID.match(/^\\/remove[\\u0399](.*?)$/);' +
// XORcipher -> ' var del = ID.match(/^\\/removeΙ(.*?)$/);' +
' if (del !== null) {' +
' var oMsg = oThis.parent().find("#" + del[1]).closest("p");' +
' if (oMsg.length) {' +
//' if (oMsg.find(".user > a").text() == sUserName || SUPERMOD > 0) {' +
' oMsg.remove();' +
//' }' +
' }' +
' }' +
' var edit = ID.match(/^\\/edit[\\u0399]([0-9]+)[\\u039c](.*?)$/);' +
// XORcipher -> ' var edit = ID.match(/^\\/editΙ([0-9]+)Μ(.*?)$/);' +
' if (edit !== null) {' +
' var oMsg = oThis.parent().find("#" + edit[1]);' +
' if (oMsg.length) {' +
//' if (oMsg.closest("p").find(".user > a").text() == sUserName || SUPERMOD > 0) {' +
' oMsg.find("span.text").text(edit[2]);' +
//' }' +
' }' +
' }' +
' /*var nudge = ID.match(/^\\/nudge[\\u0399]([0-9]+)[\\u039d](.*?)$/);' +
' if (nudge !== null) {' +
' var oMsg = oThis.parent().find("#" + nudge[1]);' +
' if (oMsg.length) {' +
' if (nudge[2] == USERNAME) {' +
' // Developing!;' +
' }' +
' }' +
' }*/' +
' oThis.remove();' +
' } else {' +
' if (sUserName !== USERNAME && SUPERMOD == 0) {' +
' ID.find(".editor").remove();' +
' }' +
' }' +
' }' +
'}' +
'function editor(oThis, num) {' +
' if (num == 1 && iConfirm("Tem certeza de que deseja remover esta mensagem?\\n\\n" + jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").text() ) == 1) {' +
' ajax_submit_chatbox("?achives=1", "/removeΙ" + jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").attr("id"));' +
' jQuery(oThis).closest("p").remove();' +
' } else if (num == 2) {' +
' var result = prompt("Editando a frase:", jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").text());' +
' if (result != null) {' +
' ajax_submit_chatbox("?achives=1", "/editΙ" + jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").attr("id") + "Μ" + result);' +
' jQuery(oThis).closest(".id span.text").text(result);' +
' }' +
' /*} else if (num == 3) {' +
' ajax_submit_chatbox("?achives=1", XORcipher("/nudgeΙ" + jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").attr("id") + "Ν" + jQuery(oThis).closest("p").find(".user > a").text()));*/' +
' }' +
'}' +
/*'function XORcipher(sText) {' +
' var key = 2,' +
' result = "",' +
' len = sText.length,' +
' i = 0;' +
' for (; i < len; i++) {' +
' result += String.fromCharCode(key ^ sText.charCodeAt(i));' +
' }' +
' return result;' +
'}' +*/
'function iConfirm(text) {' +
' var iChoice = -1;' +
' if (confirm(text) == true) {' +
' iChoice = 1;' +
' } else {' +
' iChoice = 0;' +
' }' +
' return iChoice;' +
var style = oIframe.document.createElement("style");
style.type = "text/css";
style.innerHTML =
'#chatbox p {' +
' background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #fff;' +
' border-bottom: 1px solid #e3e3e3;' +
' line-height: 1.3em;' +
' padding: 5px;' +
'}' +
'#chatbox span[title] {' +
' color: #8f8f8f !important;' +
' float: right !important;' +
'}' +
'#chatbox .user:not(:empty) {' +
' font-weight: 700;' +
' margin-left: 36px !important;' +
'}' +
'#chatbox .id {' +
' display: block;' +
' margin-top: 3px;' +
'}' +
'#chatbox .js-avatar img {' +
' background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #fff;' +
' border: 1px solid #ddd;' +
' float: left;' +
' height: 30px;' +
' margin-right: 5px;' +
' margin-top: -19px;' +
' max-width: 30px;' +
' padding: 1px;' +
' vertical-align: middle;' +
' width: 30px;' +
'}' +
'#chatbox .editor img {' +
' cursor: pointer;' +
' float: right;' +
' padding-left: 4px;' +
'}' +
'#chatbox {' +
' display: none;' +
var forceConnect = setInterval(function() {
if (oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox") !== null) {
clearInterval(forceConnect); = 'memdiv';
oIframe.document.getElementById("memdiv").style.display = 'none';
oIframe.document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML = oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox").innerHTML.replace(JS_search.inHtml, JS_replace);
oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox").innerHTML = oIframe.document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML;
if (oIframe.document.getElementById('chatbox_option_disco').style.display == 'none') {
oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox_option_with_archives").style.display = 'none';
oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox_option_without_archives").style.display = 'none';
oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox").style.display = 'block';
}, 250);
Ultima editare efectuata de catre AlexCalin in Mar Noi 03, 2015 3:42 pm, editata de 1 ori
Re: Problema cu chatbox personalizat
Buna ziua:
Inlocuiti codul JS cu:
Inlocuiti codul JS cu:
- Cod:
* Module: AVATARChat + JS_EditMsgChat
* Description: Need?!
* Author: Made and Optimizations by JScript - 2014/11/23
* Version: RC2 (Release candidate 2!)
function insertChatBox(chatbox_id, chatbox_url) {
return insertChatBoxNew(chatbox_id, chatbox_url);
// Redefine function in frm_lang_xx.js, by JScript Brasil at live dot com!
function insertChatBoxNew(chatbox_id, chatbox_url) {
document.getElementById(chatbox_id).innerHTML = '<iframe src="/chatbox/" id="frame_chatbox" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="100%" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>';
frames["frame_chatbox"].onload = function() {
// Redefine function in chatbox7.js, by JScript Brasil at live dot com!
var JS_search = {
//inVar: /">\[(?:(?:2[0-3]|[0-1][0-9]|[0-9]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9])\]<\/span> <span class=\\"user-msg\\">(.+)Ιid=(.*?)Α<(.*?)>Ε<img (.*?)Χ<img (.*?)>Τ(.+)Μ(.*?)<\/span>/g,
//inHtml: /">\[(?:(?:2[0-3]|[0-1][0-9]|[0-9]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9])\]<\/span> <span class=\\"user-msg\\">(.+)[\u0399]id=(.*?)[\u0391]<(.*?)>[\u0395]<img (.*?)[\u03a7]<img (.*?)>[\u039c](.*?)<\/span>/g
inVar: /Ιid=(.*?)Α<(.*?)>Ε<img (.*?)Χ<img (.*?)>Μ(.*?)<\/span>/g,
inHtml: /[\u0399]id=(.*?)[\u0391]<(.*?)>[\u0395]<img (.*?)[\u03a7]<img (.*?)>[\u039c](.*?)<\/span>/g
// JS_replace = '">[$6]$1<span class=\"id\" id=$2><span class=\"js-avatar\"><$3></span><span class=\"editor\"><img onclick=\"editor(this, 1)\" $4<img onclick=\"editor(this, 2)\" $5></span><span class=\"text\">$7</span>',
JS_replace = '<span class=\"id\" id=$1><span class=\"js-avatar\"><$2></span><span class=\"editor\"><img onclick=\"editor(this, 1)\" $3<img onclick=\"editor(this, 2)\" $4></span><span class=\"text\">$5</span>',
oIframe = (document.getElementById("frame_chatbox").contentWindow || document.getElementById("frame_chatbox").contentDocument),
script = oIframe.document.createElement("script"),
memDiv = oIframe.document.createElement('div');
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.innerHTML =
'USERNAME = parent._userdata.username;' +
'SUPERMOD = parent._userdata.user_level;' +
'AVATAR = parent._userdata.avatar.replace(\'<img src="\', "[img]").replace(\'" alt="" />\', "[/img]");' +
'JS_search = ' + JS_search.inVar + ';' +
'JS_replace = \'' + JS_replace + '\';' +
'function submitmsg(params) {' +
' if ( < 4 && SUPERMOD !== 1) return false;' +
' if ("/") !== 0) {' +
' var date = new Date();' +
' var UID = Math.ceil(date.getDate() + date.getHours() + Math.random() * Math.pow(10, 10) + date.getMinutes() + date.getSeconds() + date.getMilliseconds());' +
' if (UID.length < 10) {' +
' UID + "" + (10 - UID.length);' +
' }' +
//' var time = new Date().toLocaleTimeString();' +
//' = \'Ιid="\' + UID + \'"Α\' + AVATAR + "Ε[img][/img]Χ[img][/img]Τ" + time + "Μ" +;' +
' = \'Ιid="\' + UID + \'"Α\' + AVATAR + "Ε[img][/img]Χ[img][/img]Μ" +;' +
' }' +
' =;' +
' = "";' +
';' +
' ajax_submit_chatbox(params);' +
' return false' +
'}' +
'function copy_user_name(user_name) {' +
' if ( {' +
';' +
' += ((user_name.indexOf("@") == 0) ? "" : "@") + user_name + " -> ";' +
' }' +
' return false' +
'}' +
'function ajax_submit_chatbox(params, editor) {' +
' number_of_refresh = 0;' +
' if (params == "" || params == undefined) {' +
' params = "?achives=0"' +
' }' +
' if (editor == "" || editor == undefined) {' +
' var msg_sent =;' +
' } else {' +
' var msg_sent = editor;' +
' }' +
' var data = "&mode=send";' +
' data += "&sent=" + encodeURIComponent(msg_sent);' +
' data += "&sbold=" +;' +
' data += "&sitalic=" +;' +
' data += "&sunderline=" +;' +
' data += "&sstrike=" +;' +
' data += "&scolor=" +;' +
' if ((msg_sent.indexOf("/away") == 0) || (msg_sent.indexOf("/abs") == 0)) {' +
' document.getElementById("refresh_auto").checked = false' +
' }' +
' if ( == "/banlist") {' +
'"/chatbox/" + params, "banlist", "toolbar=no,menubar=no,personalbar=no,width=450,height=300,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");' +
' return false' +
' }' +
' $.ajax({' +
' url: "/chatbox/" + params,' +
' type: "post",' +
' data: data,' +
' dataType: "script",' +
' success: function(response, status, xhr) {' +
' if (xhr.status == 200) {' +
//' if (typeof (chatbox_messages) !== "undefined") {' +
' chatbox_messages = chatbox_messages.replace(JS_search, JS_replace);' +
' document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML = chatbox_messages;' +
' hackMsg();' +
' document.getElementById("chatbox").innerHTML = document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML;' +
' /*$("#chatbox").html(chatbox_messages) [0].scrollTop = $("#chatbox").prop("scrollHeight");*/' +
' document.getElementById("chatbox").scrollTop = 999999;' +
//' }' +
' if (typeof (chatbox_memberlist) !== "undefined") {' +
' document.getElementById("chatbox_members").innerHTML = chatbox_memberlist;' +
' /*$("#chatbox_members").html(chatbox_memberlist);*/' +
' }' +
' }' +
' },' +
' })' +
'}' +
'function ajax_refresh_chatbox(params, force) {' +
' if (params == "" || params == undefined) {' +
' params = "?achives=0"' +
' }' +
' $.ajax({' +
' url: "/chatbox/" + params + "&mode=refresh",' +
' type: "get",' +
' dataType: "script",' +
' success: function(response, status, xhr) {' +
' if (xhr.status == 200) {' + // || force) {' + <- Fail!
//' if ($("#chatbox").length) {' +
' if (typeof (chatbox_messages) !== "undefined") {' +
' chatbox_messages = chatbox_messages.replace(JS_search, JS_replace);' +
' document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML = chatbox_messages;' +
' hackMsg();' +
' document.getElementById("chatbox").innerHTML = document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML;' +
' document.getElementById("chatbox").scrollTop = document.getElementById("chatbox").scrollHeight + document.getElementById("chatbox").offsetHeight;' +
' document.getElementById("chatbox").scrollTop = 999999;' +
' }' +
//' if (document.getElementById("chatbox_members").innerHTML != null) document.getElementById("chatbox_members").innerHTML = chatbox_memberlist;' +
' if (typeof (chatbox_memberlist) !== "undefined") {' +
' document.getElementById("chatbox_members").innerHTML = chatbox_memberlist;' +
' /*$("#chatbox_members").html(chatbox_memberlist);*/' +
' }' +
' }' +
' },' +
' })' +
'}' +
'function hackMsg() {' +
' var oTarget = jQuery("#memdiv > p"),' +
' iLen = oTarget.length,' +
' index = 0;' +
' for (; index < iLen; index++) {' +
' var oThis = jQuery(oTarget[index]),' +
' sUserName = oThis.find(".user > a").text(),' +
' ID = oThis.find("");' +
' if (ID.length == 0) {' +
' ID = oThis.find(".msg:last").text();' +
// XORcipher -> ' ID = XORcipher(oThis.find(".msg").text());' +
' var del = ID.match(/^\\/remove[\\u0399](.*?)$/);' +
// XORcipher -> ' var del = ID.match(/^\\/removeΙ(.*?)$/);' +
' if (del !== null) {' +
' var oMsg = oThis.parent().find("#" + del[1]).closest("p");' +
' if (oMsg.length) {' +
//' if (oMsg.find(".user > a").text() == sUserName || SUPERMOD > 0) {' +
' oMsg.remove();' +
//' }' +
' }' +
' }' +
' var edit = ID.match(/^\\/edit[\\u0399]([0-9]+)[\\u039c](.*?)$/);' +
// XORcipher -> ' var edit = ID.match(/^\\/editΙ([0-9]+)Μ(.*?)$/);' +
' if (edit !== null) {' +
' var oMsg = oThis.parent().find("#" + edit[1]);' +
' if (oMsg.length) {' +
//' if (oMsg.closest("p").find(".user > a").text() == sUserName || SUPERMOD > 0) {' +
' oMsg.find("span.text").text(edit[2]);' +
//' }' +
' }' +
' }' +
' /*var nudge = ID.match(/^\\/nudge[\\u0399]([0-9]+)[\\u039d](.*?)$/);' +
' if (nudge !== null) {' +
' var oMsg = oThis.parent().find("#" + nudge[1]);' +
' if (oMsg.length) {' +
' if (nudge[2] == USERNAME) {' +
' // Developing!;' +
' }' +
' }' +
' }*/' +
' oThis.remove();' +
' } else {' +
' if (sUserName !== USERNAME && SUPERMOD == 0) {' +
' ID.find(".editor").remove();' +
' }' +
' }' +
' }' +
'}' +
'function editor(oThis, num) {' +
' if (num == 1 && iConfirm("Tem certeza de que deseja remover esta mensagem?\\n\\n" + jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").text() ) == 1) {' +
' ajax_submit_chatbox("?achives=1", "/removeΙ" + jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").attr("id"));' +
' jQuery(oThis).closest("p").remove();' +
' } else if (num == 2) {' +
' var result = prompt("Editando a frase:", jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").text());' +
' if (result != null) {' +
' ajax_submit_chatbox("?achives=1", "/editΙ" + jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").attr("id") + "Μ" + result);' +
' jQuery(oThis).closest(".id span.text").text(result);' +
' }' +
' /*} else if (num == 3) {' +
' ajax_submit_chatbox("?achives=1", XORcipher("/nudgeΙ" + jQuery(oThis).closest(".id").attr("id") + "Ν" + jQuery(oThis).closest("p").find(".user > a").text()));*/' +
' }' +
'}' +
/*'function XORcipher(sText) {' +
' var key = 2,' +
' result = "",' +
' len = sText.length,' +
' i = 0;' +
' for (; i < len; i++) {' +
' result += String.fromCharCode(key ^ sText.charCodeAt(i));' +
' }' +
' return result;' +
'}' +*/
'function iConfirm(text) {' +
' var iChoice = -1;' +
' if (confirm(text) == true) {' +
' iChoice = 1;' +
' } else {' +
' iChoice = 0;' +
' }' +
' return iChoice;' +
var style = oIframe.document.createElement("style");
style.type = "text/css";
style.innerHTML =
'#chatbox p {' +
' background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #fff;' +
' border-bottom: 1px solid #e3e3e3;' +
' line-height: 1.3em;' +
' padding: 5px;' +
'}' +
'#chatbox span[title] {' +
' color: #8f8f8f !important;' +
' float: right !important;' +
'}' +
'#chatbox .user:not(:empty) {' +
' font-weight: 700;' +
' margin-left: 36px !important;' +
'}' +
'#chatbox .id {' +
' display: block;' +
' margin-top: 3px;' +
'}' +
'#chatbox .js-avatar img {' +
' background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #fff;' +
' border: 1px solid #ddd;' +
' float: left;' +
' height: 30px;' +
' margin-right: 5px;' +
' margin-top: -19px;' +
' max-width: 30px;' +
' padding: 1px;' +
' vertical-align: middle;' +
' width: 30px;' +
'}' +
'#chatbox .editor img {' +
' cursor: pointer;' +
' float: right;' +
' padding-left: 4px;' +
'}' +
'#chatbox {' +
' display: none;' +
var forceConnect = setInterval(function() {
if (oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox") !== null) {
clearInterval(forceConnect); = 'memdiv';
oIframe.document.getElementById("memdiv").style.display = 'none';
oIframe.document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML = oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox").innerHTML.replace(JS_search.inHtml, JS_replace);
oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox").innerHTML = oIframe.document.getElementById("memdiv").innerHTML;
oIframe.document.getElementById("chatbox").style.display = 'block';
}, 250);
Vizitator- Vizitator
Re: Problema cu chatbox personalizat
Tot nu apare.. .
Re: Problema cu chatbox personalizat
Atunci se pare ca este un cod JavaScript care are bug sau greseli si face ca acest cod sa nu mai mearga.
Ar trebui sa te uiti peste toate codurile sa vezi sa nu fie gresite.
Ar trebui sa te uiti peste toate codurile sa vezi sa nu fie gresite.
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