Generator Cfg
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Generator Cfg
Salut am un cfg.html dar imi da eroare cand vreau sa il pun ma puteti ajuta
- Cod:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><script>
</script><title>CFG Generator</title></head><body text="#ffffff" vlink="#ff0000" bgcolor="#000000" link="#ff0000"><center>
<!-- cfgcreator.php - easy config maker in javascript form -->
<table class="news">
<td class="newstitle">
Created by: illegal Team
<td class="newspost">
<script language="JavaScript">
This is all pretty messy and unplanned. It works OK though I think.
To add:
Tidy up the meanings of commands
Re-write the whole thing so that it passes the input field object instead of the whole damn form for each config entry
function writeFile()
// Start the file
configWin ="","","toolbar = no,width=700,status=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no");
configWin.document.write("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Your CS configuration</TITLE></HEAD>");
configWin.document.write("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"WHITE\">");
// Blah blah blah
configWin.document.write("//Copiaza si lipeste acest lucru intr-un fisier text.<BR>");
configWin.document.write("// Asigura-te ca are extensia .CFG, si pune<BR>");
configWin.document.write("// in folderul tau cstrike.<BR>");
configWin.document.write("// Scrie exec [fisierul tau].cfg in consola pentru al activa<BR>");
configWin.document.write("<P>// Creeat de illegal Team @<br/>unbindall<P>");
configWin.document.write("<B>// Taste de miscare</B><BR>");
// Movement
bindplus(document.theForm.forward, document.theForm.forward_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.back, document.theForm.back_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.moveleft, document.theForm.moveleft_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.moveright, document.theForm.moveright_alt);
bindplus(, document.theForm.duck_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.jump, document.theForm.jump_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.speed, document.theForm.speed_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.use, document.theForm.use_alt);
spraylogo(document.theForm.spray.value, document.theForm.spray_alt.value);
camp(, document.theForm.sensitivity.value, document.theForm.camp_sens.value);
// Weapons
configWin.document.write("<P><B>// Taste de arme</B><BR>");
bindplus(document.theForm.attack, document.theForm.attack_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.attack2, document.theForm.attack2_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.reload, document.theForm.reload_alt);
bind(document.theForm.drop, document.theForm.drop_alt);
bind(document.theForm.invnext, document.theForm.invnext_alt);
bind(document.theForm.invprev, document.theForm.invprev_alt);
flashlight(document.theForm.torch.value, document.theForm.torch_alt.value);
bind(document.theForm.slot1, document.theForm.slot1_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot2, document.theForm.slot2_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot3, document.theForm.slot3_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot4, document.theForm.slot4_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot5, document.theForm.slot5_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot6, document.theForm.slot6_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot7, document.theForm.slot7_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot8, document.theForm.slot8_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot9, document.theForm.slot9_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot10, document.theForm.slot10_alt);
// Comms
configWin.document.write("<P><B>// Comunicare</B><BR>");
bind(document.theForm.messagemode, document.theForm.messagemode_alt);
bind(document.theForm.messagemode2, document.theForm.messagemode2_alt);
bind(document.theForm.radio1, document.theForm.radio1_alt);
bind(document.theForm.radio2, document.theForm.radio2_alt);
bind(document.theForm.radio3, document.theForm.radio3_alt);
// Buy
configWin.document.write("<P><B>// Meniu Cumparare</B><BR>");
bind(, document.theForm.buy_alt);
bind(document.theForm.buyammo1, document.theForm.buyammo1_alt);
bind(document.theForm.buyammo2, document.theForm.buyammo2_alt);
bind(document.theForm.buyequip, document.theForm.buyequip_alt);
// Stats
configWin.document.write("<P><B>// Statistici</B><BR>");
bind(document.theForm.chooseteam, document.theForm.chooseteam_alt);
bind(document.theForm.showscores, document.theForm.showscores_alt);
bind(document.theForm.timeleft, document.theForm.timeleft_alt);
// Other
configWin.document.write("<P><B>// Altele</B><BR>");
bind(document.theForm.cancelselect, document.theForm.cancelselect_alt);
bind(document.theForm.toggleconsole, document.theForm.toggleconsole_alt);
bind(document.theForm.snapshot, document.theForm.snapshot_alt);
// Settings
configWin.document.write("<P><B>// Setari</B><BR>");
// Net Graph;
configWin.document.write("<P><B>// Net Graph</B><BR>");
// Binds for momentary action buttons
function bindplus(command, altCommand)
if (command.value != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + command.value + " +" + + "<BR>");
if (altCommand.value != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + altCommand.value + " +" + + "<BR>");
// Writes the bind <key> <command> function
function bind(command, altCommand)
if (command.value != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + command.value + " " + + "<BR>");
if (altCommand.value != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + altCommand.value + " " + + "<BR>");
// The Walk Toggle alias
function walkTog(key)
if (key != "")
text = "// Walk Toggle Alias<BR>" +
"alias walk_toggle \"developer 1; +speed; echo Walk Mode; bind " +
key + " run; developer 0\"<BR>";
text = "alias run \"developer 1; -speed; echo Run Mode; bind " +
key + " walk_toggle developer 0\"<BR>" +
"bind " + key + " walk_toggle<BR>";
// The Spraylogo bind
function spraylogo(key, altKey)
if (key != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + key + " \"impulse 201\"<BR>");
if (altKey != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + altKey + " \"impulse 201\"<BR>");
// The Torch bind
function flashlight(key, altKey)
if (key != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + key + " \"impulse 100\"<BR>");
if (altKey != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + altKey + " \"impulse 100\"<BR>");
// The Camp alias
function camp(key, sensitivity, camp_sens)
if (key != "")
text = "// Camping Git alias<BR>" +
"alias +camp \"developer 1; echo Camping...; +duck; sensitivity ";
if (camp_sens != "")
text = text + camp_sens;
text = text + "5";
text = text + "; sensitivity; developer 0\"<BR>" +
"alias -camp \"developer 1; echo Standing; -duck; sensitivity ";
if (sensitivity != "")
text = text + sensitivity;
text = text + "10"
text = text + "; sensitivity; developer 0\" <BR>" +
"bind " + key + " +camp<BR>";
// Weapon Toggle alias
function w_toggle(key)
if (key != "")
text = "// Weapon Toggle Alias<BR>" +
"alias w_toggle \"slot2;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;bind " +
key + " prim_weap\"<BR>" +
"alias prim_weap \"slot1;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;bind " +
key + " w_toggle\"<BR>" +
"bind " + key + " w_toggle";
// The pistol drop alias
function drop_pistol(key)
if (key != "" )
text = "// Pistol Drop Alias.<BR>" +
"alias pistol_drop \"slot2; wait; +attack; wait; -attack; drop\" <BR>" +
"bind " + key + " pistol_drop<BR>";
// Auto Armour Buy
function autoArmour(key)
if (key != "" )
text = "// Auto Amour Buy<BR>" +
"alias armour_buy \"buyequip; wait; slot2; wait; buyequip; slot1\"<BR>" +
"bind " + key + " armour_buy<BR>"
// Auto Weapon Buy
function autoWeapon(key)
if (key != "" )
text = "// Auto Weapon Buy<BR>" +
"alias buyAug \"buy; wait; slot4; wait; slot4\"<BR>" +
"alias buyCommando \"buy; wait; slot4; wait; slot2\"<BR>" +
"alias buyM4 \"buy; wait; slot4; wait; slot3\"<BR>" +
"alias buyAK47 \"buy; wait; slot4; wait; slot1\"<BR>" +
"alias buyMP5 \"buy; wait; slot3; wait; slot1\"<BR>" +
"alias weapon_buy \"buyAug; wait; buyCommando; wait; buyM4; wait; buyAK47; wait; buyMP5\"<BR>" +
"bind " + key + " weapon_buy<BR>"
// Writes the setinfo command
function setinfo(command)
if (eval("command[0].checked == true") || eval("command[1].checked == true"))
if (eval("command[0].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write("setinfo " + command[0].name + " 1<BR>")
if (eval("command[1].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write("setinfo " + command[1].name + " 0<BR>")
// Writes the on/off settings
function check(command)
if (eval("command[0].checked == true") || eval("command[1].checked == true"))
if (eval("command[0].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write(command[0].name + " 1<BR>")
if (eval("command[1].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write(command[1].name + " 0<BR>")
// Writes the multiple checked settings
function multicheck(command)
if (eval("command[0].checked == true") || eval("command[1].checked == true") || eval("command[2].checked == true"))
if (eval("command[0].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write(command[0].name + " 0<BR>")
if (eval("command[1].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write(command[1].name + " 2<BR>")
if (eval("command[2].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write(command[2].name + " 1<BR>")
// Sets a variable to a command
function set(command)
if (command.value != "" )
configWin.document.write( + " " + command.value + "<BR>");
// Adds the command if it is checked
function add(command)
if (eval("command[0].checked == true") || eval("command[1].checked == true"))
if (eval("command[0].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write("+" + command[0].name + " <BR>")
if (eval("command[1].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write("+" + command[1].name + " 0<BR>")
// Sets the con_color variable
function con_color(red, green, blue)
if ((red != "") || (green != "") || (blue != ""))
if (red == "")
red = 0;
if (green == "")
green = 0;
if (blue == "")
blue = 0;
configWin.document.write("con_color \"" + red + " " + green + " " + blue + "\"<BR>");
<table width="100%">
<form name="theForm">
<font face="Arial">
Completeaza acest formular pentru a-ti creea propiul Config [nu trebuie sa completezi toate campuri]
<font face="Arial">Iata cateva din numele pentru butoane:
<font face="Arial"><li>SPACE
<font face="Arial">Pentru o lista completa de taste intra <a href="">aici</a>.
<font face="Arial"><b>Config Generator</b>
<td>Inainte</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="forward" type="TEXT"> <input name="forward_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Inapoi</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="back" type="TEXT"> <input name="back_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Misca Stanga</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="moveleft" type="TEXT"> <input name="moveleft_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Misca Dreapta</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="moveright" type="TEXT"> <input name="moveright_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Jos</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="duck" type="TEXT"> <input name="duck_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Sari</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="jump" type="TEXT"> <input name="jump_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Walk (Stai)</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="speed" type="TEXT"> <input name="speed_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Walk (Toggle)</td><td><input name="walk_toggle" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Utilizare (Butoane, etc)</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="use" type="TEXT"> <input name="use_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Spraypaint</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="spray" type="TEXT"> <input name="spray_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Sensibilitate Mouse</td><td><input size="3" maxlength="2" name="sensitivity" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Camp (set sensibilitate de mai sus si mai jos)</td><td><input name="camp" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Camp Sensibilitate Mouse</td><td><input size="3" maxlength="2" name="camp_sens" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Butonul pe care tragi</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="attack" type="TEXT"> <input name="attack_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Butonul pe care tragi (Secundar)</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="attack2" type="TEXT"> <input name="attack2_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Reincarca</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="reload" type="TEXT"> <input name="reload_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Arunca Arma</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="drop" type="TEXT"> <input name="drop_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Arunca Pistolul</td><td><input name="drop_pistol" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Primar / Secundar Toggle</td><td><input name="w_toggle" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Arma Urmatoare</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="invnext" type="TEXT"> <input name="invnext_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Arma Precedenta</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="invprev" type="TEXT"> <input name="invprev_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Flashlight</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="torch" type="TEXT"> <input name="torch_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Arma Primara (1)</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="slot1" type="TEXT"> <input name="slot1_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Arma Secundara (2)</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="slot2" type="TEXT"> <input name="slot2_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Cutit (3)</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="slot3" type="TEXT"> <input name="slot3_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Grenade (4)</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="slot4" type="TEXT"> <input name="slot4_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Bomba (5)</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="slot5" type="TEXT"> <input name="slot5_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Slot 6</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="slot6" type="TEXT"> <input name="slot6_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Slot 7</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="slot7" type="TEXT"> <input name="slot7_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Slot 8</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="slot8" type="TEXT"> <input name="slot8_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Slot 9</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="slot9" type="TEXT"> <input name="slot9_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Slot 10</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="slot10" type="TEXT"> <input name="slot10_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Mesaje Chat</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="messagemode" type="TEXT"> <input name="messagemode_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Mesaje Echipa</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="messagemode2" type="TEXT"> <input name="messagemode2_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Mesaje Raportare</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="radio3" type="TEXT"> <input name="radio3_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Mesaje Standar</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="radio2" type="TEXT"> <input name="radio2_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Mesaje Grup</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="radio1" type="TEXT"> <input name="radio1_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td><h2>Meniu Cumparare</h2></td>
<td>Cumpara</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="buy" type="TEXT"> <input name="buy_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Cumpara Munitie Primara</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="buyammo1" type="TEXT"> <input name="buyammo1_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Cumpara Munitie Secundara</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="buyammo2" type="TEXT"> <input name="buyammo2_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Cumpara Echipament</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="buyequip" type="TEXT"> <input name="buyequip_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Auto Cumparare Armura</td><td><input name="autoarmour" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Auto Cumparare Arma</td><td><input name="autoweapon" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Alege Echipa</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="chooseteam" type="TEXT"> <input name="chooseteam_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Arata Scorul</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="showscores" type="TEXT"> <input name="showscores_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Timp Ramas</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="timeleft" type="TEXT"> <input name="timeleft_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Anulare</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="cancelselect" type="TEXT"> <input name="cancelselect_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Consola</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="toggleconsole" type="TEXT"> <input name="toggleconsole_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Screenshot</td><td><input size="2" maxlength="1" name="snapshot" type="TEXT"> <input name="snapshot_alt" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Arma este pe mana</td><td>Stanga<input name="lefthand" type="RADIO"> Dreapta<input name="lefthand" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Meniuri VGUI</td><td>Activat<input name="vgui_menus" value="on" type="RADIO"> Dezactivat<input name="vgui_menus" value="off" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Fast Switching Weapons</td><td>Activat<input name="hud_fastswitch" value="on" type="RADIO"> Dezactivat<input name="hud_fastswitch" value="off" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Numele Jucatorului pe Centru</td><td>Activat<input name="hud_centerid" type="RADIO"> Dezactivat<input name="hud_centerid" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Consola</td><td>Activata<input name="console" value="on" type="RADIO"> Dezactivata<input name="console" value="off" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Utilizare Joystick</td><td>Activat<input name="jlook" value="on" type="RADIO"> Dezactivat<input name="jlook" value="off" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Utilizare Mouse</td><td>Activat<input name="mlook" value="on" type="RADIO"> Dezactivat<input name="mlook" value="off" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Volum</td><td><input size="4" maxlength="3" name="volume" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Volum Muzica</td><td><input size="4" maxlength="3" name="bgmvolume" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Suit Volum</td><td><input size="4" maxlength="3" name="suitvolume" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Sunet EAX</td><td>Activat<input name="s_eax" value="on" type="RADIO"> Dezactivat<input name="s_eax" value="off" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Sunet A3D</td><td>Activat<input name="s_a3d" value="on" type="RADIO"> Dezactivat<input name="s_a3d" value="off" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Sunet de Inalta Calitate</td><td>Activat<input name="hisound" value="on" type="RADIO"> Dezactivat<input name="hisound" value="off" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Culoare Tinta</td><td><font color="RED">Rosu:</font><input name="red" maxlength="3" size="2" type="TEXT"> <font color="GREEN">Verde:</font><input name="green" maxlength="3" size="2" type="TEXT"> <font color="BLUE">Albastru:</font><input name="blue" maxlength="3" size="2" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Luminozitate</td><td><input name="brightness" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Gamma</td><td><input name="gamma" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Sprite Complexity</td><td> Inalta<input name="fastsprites" type="RADIO"> Mica<input name="fastsprites" type="RADIO"> Medie<input name="fastsprites" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Calitate Modele</td><td>Activata<input name="himodels" value="on" type="RADIO"> Dezactivata<input name="himodels" value="off" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Se lasa a Uploada</td><td>Activat<input name="cl_allowupload" value="on" type="RADIO"> Dezactivat<input name="cl_allowupload" value="off" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Se lasa a Downloada</td><td>Activat<input name="cl_allowdownload" value="on" type="RADIO"> Dezactivat<input name="cl_allowdownload" value="off" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Download Ingame</td><td>Activat<input name="cl_download_ingame" value="on" type="RADIO"> Dezactivat<input name="cl_download_ingame" value="off" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Data Rate (5000 pentru 56k)</td><td><input name="rate" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Nume (Scrieti numele aici)</td><td><input name="name" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Numarul de Multiplayer Decals (300)</td><td><input name="mp_decals" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Max FPS</td><td><input name="fps_max" size="3" maxlength="2" type="TEXT"></td>
<td><h2>Net Graph</h2></td>
<td>Display Netgraph</td><td>Activat<input name="net_graph" value="on" type="RADIO"> Dezactivat<input name="net_graph" value="off" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Pozitie Netgraph</td><td>Stanga<input name="net_graphpos" value="off" type="RADIO"> Centru<input name="net_graphpos" value="2" type="RADIO"> Dreapta<input name="net_graphpos" value="on" type="RADIO"></td>
<td>Latime Graph (default=192)</td><td><input name="net_graphwidth" size="4" maxlength="3" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Scala Graph (default=5)</td><td><input name="net_scale" size="3" maxlength="2" type="TEXT"></td>
<td>Solid Graph Shade</td><td>Activat<input name="net_graphsolid" value="on" type="RADIO"> Dezactivat<input name="net_graphsolid" value="off" type="RADIO"></td>
<font face="Arial"><input value="Am Terminat" onclick="writeFile()" type="BUTTON"><input value="Sterge CFG" type="RESET">
</center></form></td></tr></tbody></table> </td>
Ultima editare efectuata de catre valisefu22 in Vin Sept 14, 2012 9:46 pm, editata de 1 ori
Re: Generator Cfg
Logic ca nu merge, pe FG nu merg deastea.
Fati un site, pune codul respectiv si adauga un frame pe forumul tau.
Fati un site, pune codul respectiv si adauga un frame pe forumul tau.
Pandami- Membru Forumgratuit
- Mesaje : 38
Varsta : 30
Data înscrierii : 10/09/2012
Mulțumiri : 0
Re: Generator Cfg
Problema este in script-ul generat. Iata fragmentul de cod care cauzeaza eroarea respectiva:
- Cod:
<script language="JavaScript">
This is all pretty messy and unplanned. It works OK though I think.
To add:
Tidy up the meanings of commands
Re-write the whole thing so that it passes the input field object instead of the whole damn form for each config entry
function writeFile()
// Start the file
configWin ="","","toolbar = no,width=700,status=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no");
configWin.document.write("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Your CS configuration</TITLE></HEAD>");
configWin.document.write("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"WHITE\">");
// Blah blah blah
configWin.document.write("//Copiaza si lipeste acest lucru intr-un fisier text.<BR>");
configWin.document.write("// Asigura-te ca are extensia .CFG, si pune<BR>");
configWin.document.write("// in folderul tau cstrike.<BR>");
configWin.document.write("// Scrie exec [fisierul tau].cfg in consola pentru al activa<BR>");
configWin.document.write("<P>// Creeat de illegal Team @<br/>unbindall<P>");
configWin.document.write("<B>// Taste de miscare</B><BR>");
// Movement
bindplus(document.theForm.forward, document.theForm.forward_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.back, document.theForm.back_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.moveleft, document.theForm.moveleft_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.moveright, document.theForm.moveright_alt);
bindplus(, document.theForm.duck_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.jump, document.theForm.jump_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.speed, document.theForm.speed_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.use, document.theForm.use_alt);
spraylogo(document.theForm.spray.value, document.theForm.spray_alt.value);
camp(, document.theForm.sensitivity.value, document.theForm.camp_sens.value);
// Weapons
configWin.document.write("<P><B>// Taste de arme</B><BR>");
bindplus(document.theForm.attack, document.theForm.attack_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.attack2, document.theForm.attack2_alt);
bindplus(document.theForm.reload, document.theForm.reload_alt);
bind(document.theForm.drop, document.theForm.drop_alt);
bind(document.theForm.invnext, document.theForm.invnext_alt);
bind(document.theForm.invprev, document.theForm.invprev_alt);
flashlight(document.theForm.torch.value, document.theForm.torch_alt.value);
bind(document.theForm.slot1, document.theForm.slot1_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot2, document.theForm.slot2_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot3, document.theForm.slot3_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot4, document.theForm.slot4_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot5, document.theForm.slot5_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot6, document.theForm.slot6_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot7, document.theForm.slot7_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot8, document.theForm.slot8_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot9, document.theForm.slot9_alt);
bind(document.theForm.slot10, document.theForm.slot10_alt);
// Comms
configWin.document.write("<P><B>// Comunicare</B><BR>");
bind(document.theForm.messagemode, document.theForm.messagemode_alt);
bind(document.theForm.messagemode2, document.theForm.messagemode2_alt);
bind(document.theForm.radio1, document.theForm.radio1_alt);
bind(document.theForm.radio2, document.theForm.radio2_alt);
bind(document.theForm.radio3, document.theForm.radio3_alt);
// Buy
configWin.document.write("<P><B>// Meniu Cumparare</B><BR>");
bind(, document.theForm.buy_alt);
bind(document.theForm.buyammo1, document.theForm.buyammo1_alt);
bind(document.theForm.buyammo2, document.theForm.buyammo2_alt);
bind(document.theForm.buyequip, document.theForm.buyequip_alt);
// Stats
configWin.document.write("<P><B>// Statistici</B><BR>");
bind(document.theForm.chooseteam, document.theForm.chooseteam_alt);
bind(document.theForm.showscores, document.theForm.showscores_alt);
bind(document.theForm.timeleft, document.theForm.timeleft_alt);
// Other
configWin.document.write("<P><B>// Altele</B><BR>");
bind(document.theForm.cancelselect, document.theForm.cancelselect_alt);
bind(document.theForm.toggleconsole, document.theForm.toggleconsole_alt);
bind(document.theForm.snapshot, document.theForm.snapshot_alt);
// Settings
configWin.document.write("<P><B>// Setari</B><BR>");
// Net Graph;
configWin.document.write("<P><B>// Net Graph</B><BR>");
// Binds for momentary action buttons
function bindplus(command, altCommand)
if (command.value != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + command.value + " +" + + "<BR>");
if (altCommand.value != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + altCommand.value + " +" + + "<BR>");
// Writes the bind <key> <command> function
function bind(command, altCommand)
if (command.value != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + command.value + " " + + "<BR>");
if (altCommand.value != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + altCommand.value + " " + + "<BR>");
// The Walk Toggle alias
function walkTog(key)
if (key != "")
text = "// Walk Toggle Alias<BR>" +
"alias walk_toggle \"developer 1; +speed; echo Walk Mode; bind " +
key + " run; developer 0\"<BR>";
text = "alias run \"developer 1; -speed; echo Run Mode; bind " +
key + " walk_toggle developer 0\"<BR>" +
"bind " + key + " walk_toggle<BR>";
// The Spraylogo bind
function spraylogo(key, altKey)
if (key != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + key + " \"impulse 201\"<BR>");
if (altKey != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + altKey + " \"impulse 201\"<BR>");
// The Torch bind
function flashlight(key, altKey)
if (key != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + key + " \"impulse 100\"<BR>");
if (altKey != "")
configWin.document.write("bind " + altKey + " \"impulse 100\"<BR>");
// The Camp alias
function camp(key, sensitivity, camp_sens)
if (key != "")
text = "// Camping Git alias<BR>" +
"alias +camp \"developer 1; echo Camping...; +duck; sensitivity ";
if (camp_sens != "")
text = text + camp_sens;
text = text + "5";
text = text + "; sensitivity; developer 0\"<BR>" +
"alias -camp \"developer 1; echo Standing; -duck; sensitivity ";
if (sensitivity != "")
text = text + sensitivity;
text = text + "10"
text = text + "; sensitivity; developer 0\" <BR>" +
"bind " + key + " +camp<BR>";
// Weapon Toggle alias
function w_toggle(key)
if (key != "")
text = "// Weapon Toggle Alias<BR>" +
"alias w_toggle \"slot2;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;bind " +
key + " prim_weap\"<BR>" +
"alias prim_weap \"slot1;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;bind " +
key + " w_toggle\"<BR>" +
"bind " + key + " w_toggle";
// The pistol drop alias
function drop_pistol(key)
if (key != "" )
text = "// Pistol Drop Alias.<BR>" +
"alias pistol_drop \"slot2; wait; +attack; wait; -attack; drop\" <BR>" +
"bind " + key + " pistol_drop<BR>";
// Auto Armour Buy
function autoArmour(key)
if (key != "" )
text = "// Auto Amour Buy<BR>" +
"alias armour_buy \"buyequip; wait; slot2; wait; buyequip; slot1\"<BR>" +
"bind " + key + " armour_buy<BR>"
// Auto Weapon Buy
function autoWeapon(key)
if (key != "" )
text = "// Auto Weapon Buy<BR>" +
"alias buyAug \"buy; wait; slot4; wait; slot4\"<BR>" +
"alias buyCommando \"buy; wait; slot4; wait; slot2\"<BR>" +
"alias buyM4 \"buy; wait; slot4; wait; slot3\"<BR>" +
"alias buyAK47 \"buy; wait; slot4; wait; slot1\"<BR>" +
"alias buyMP5 \"buy; wait; slot3; wait; slot1\"<BR>" +
"alias weapon_buy \"buyAug; wait; buyCommando; wait; buyM4; wait; buyAK47; wait; buyMP5\"<BR>" +
"bind " + key + " weapon_buy<BR>"
// Writes the setinfo command
function setinfo(command)
if (eval("command[0].checked == true") || eval("command[1].checked == true"))
if (eval("command[0].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write("setinfo " + command[0].name + " 1<BR>")
if (eval("command[1].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write("setinfo " + command[1].name + " 0<BR>")
// Writes the on/off settings
function check(command)
if (eval("command[0].checked == true") || eval("command[1].checked == true"))
if (eval("command[0].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write(command[0].name + " 1<BR>")
if (eval("command[1].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write(command[1].name + " 0<BR>")
// Writes the multiple checked settings
function multicheck(command)
if (eval("command[0].checked == true") || eval("command[1].checked == true") || eval("command[2].checked == true"))
if (eval("command[0].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write(command[0].name + " 0<BR>")
if (eval("command[1].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write(command[1].name + " 2<BR>")
if (eval("command[2].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write(command[2].name + " 1<BR>")
// Sets a variable to a command
function set(command)
if (command.value != "" )
configWin.document.write( + " " + command.value + "<BR>");
// Adds the command if it is checked
function add(command)
if (eval("command[0].checked == true") || eval("command[1].checked == true"))
if (eval("command[0].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write("+" + command[0].name + " <BR>")
if (eval("command[1].checked == true"))
configWin.document.write("+" + command[1].name + " 0<BR>")
// Sets the con_color variable
function con_color(red, green, blue)
if ((red != "") || (green != "") || (blue != ""))
if (red == "")
red = 0;
if (green == "")
green = 0;
if (blue == "")
blue = 0;
configWin.document.write("con_color \"" + red + " " + green + " " + blue + "\"<BR>");
Re: Generator Cfg
Alexandru, fara fragmentul respectiv codul nu si-ar mai face treaba, deci ar deveni inutil.
Pandami- Membru Forumgratuit
- Mesaje : 38
Varsta : 30
Data înscrierii : 10/09/2012
Mulțumiri : 0
Re: Generator Cfg
Si cum as putea o modalitate sa il pun ? cum lau pus
Re: Generator Cfg
Iti faci un site, cu subdomeniu, si adaugi codul respectiv pe el.
Apoi pui pe forum iframe cu site-ul pe care ai codul.
Apoi pui pe forum iframe cu site-ul pe care ai codul.
Pandami- Membru Forumgratuit
- Mesaje : 38
Varsta : 30
Data înscrierii : 10/09/2012
Mulțumiri : 0
Re: Generator Cfg
iframe Imi traduci te rog:))
Re: Generator Cfg
Daca nu intelegi nu mai incerca. Eu ti-am spus ce trebuie sa faci. Daca tu nu stii nimic nu am cum sa te ajut.
Pandami- Membru Forumgratuit
- Mesaje : 38
Varsta : 30
Data înscrierii : 10/09/2012
Mulțumiri : 0
Re: Generator Cfg
Avand in vedere ca topicul a fost marcat ca fiind "rezolvat", va fi inchis.
Sebby.- Membru onorific
- Mesaje : 852
Data înscrierii : 01/02/2010
Mulțumiri : 0
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